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T-R-O-U-B-L-E-S and S-T-O-R-M-S

In this world you will have trouble (Jn 16:33), but believe that I your God have power enough (Ps107:24) to calm the storms (Ps 107:29) in your life; for by and through My Son Jesus (Jn 14:6), I have over-come the world (Jn 16:33). Are these just words in your Bible, or have you opened and read what they mean?

In the midst of the TROUBLES and the STORMS in our life, we do not need to go through them alone. The sailors called on God and He was there (Ps 107:28-29). The disciples had Jesus in the boat with them (see the parables told by three different people in Matthew, Mark & Luke).

Are you in your Bible? Are you seeking God the Father; Are you crying-out to your Savior Jesus? Are you asking His Holy Spirit to comfort you?

Before the storms come (open and read your Bible), prepare your mind (pray); prepare your heart (ask His Holy Spirit to lead and guide you).

Then, when troubles come, as they will, call out, “Lord help!” He won’t be far away; He is always near; for He is in the boat with you. Call on Him today, praise Him and thank Him through the T-R-O-U-B-L-E-S and the S-T-O-R-M-S in our life.

You are not alone … cry out today!

(If you would like someone from the church to pray with you, join us on Sundays at 10:30, contact us at 989.348.1000 or email:


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